

Remote Monitoring Solutions

Sensorplexus provides a comprehensive remote monitoring solutions for various industries.  

Remote Monitoring

Alert Management


Analytics & Reporting

Take Control

Utilize our high performing monitoring system to manage your sensors and automation. Add alerts to events and range limits.

Our Services

Sensor Plexus provides a wide list of products to help gather data and automate processes based on specific conditions set by the user. Monitoring services that include a dashboard, notification alerts, and reporting is available 24/7. Advanced analysis of data can be provided to gather further insight on environmental conditions and alerts can be created based on these findings. Many industries can benefit from the integration services that Sensor Plexus can assist today.


Data is collected and presented on the dashboard in real time. Alerts and automation are dispatched on time.


Set conditions to each sensor and automate notifications or actions to other end nodes.


Apart from alert notifications, select a machine to respond to a sensor out of range.


Utilize our specialized reporting tools to gain greater insight about your sensor data.


A few or many, our monitoring service can accommodate for various sensors and present it on your dashboard to your preference.


Combine various sensor networks from across the world and seamlessly manage in one dashboard.

For Any Industry

We provide a wide array of data collecting tools and automation for your application.

Marine Surveillance

Dwindling fishing populations in certain areas sometimes resort to illegal fishing. Restrictions are set by the government. However, proper surveillance tools can manage resources much more efficiently.

Agricultural and Livestock Management

Data collection in agriculture and livestock can result in higher crop yield, more efficient use of resources, and overall higher quality of produce.

Environmental / Ecological Monitoring

As towns or cities grow, it is important to understand the impact of the natural environment. Safety is essential for all local populations.

Smart Cities

Between a house, complex, campus, or a whole city, there are several ways to complement the resident's management of their environment, such as management of air conditioning, security, energy conservation, and more.

Fleet Management

Coordination with a number of vehicles can be a challenge. Knowing where they are real time can improve efficiency and response time. Maintenance time is reduced and operational time is optimized.

Assisted Deployment Program

We offer installation that includes a field survey, preparation, and deployment to your site



Our team will visit your site to identify equipment for installation



We’ll put together a plan that suits your application



Our installation team will install your equipment on site and provide you access to our monitoring application and set up alert limits and notifications



We will ensure all equipment are working properly and support are within reach

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